Upgrade your government website's search experience.
Increase your users' satisfaction with your website search and gain the latest insights on their search needs.
Try our WOG Search below!
Powered by machine learning
Delivering precise and up-to-date results in mere seconds, SearchSG is trusted by agencies to make Singapore Government information accessible to all.
See how SearchSG is helping government websites provide more powerful search experiences.
Admin Portal Analytics Dashboard
Unlock the power of data with our dynamic Admin Portal Analytics Dashboard. Leverage specific insights such as click-through rates (CTR), mean reciprocal rank (MRR) and top search queries, and uncover invaluable insights into citizen search activities and behaviour.
This smart widget replaces the “Ctrl+F” function for a more powerful search experience, revolutionising the way users access and understand information.
Easy adoption, with a peace of mind
Integrate SearchSG's search tool on your government website with just 2 lines of code. For everything else — crawling, indexing, hosting and maintenance — we will handle those for you.
Cross-domain discoverability
With the 'Search all of government' feature, users can find relevant pages from your government website when searching on other websites.